Hammad Hadi Khan of Pakistan won the World Scrabble Championship (WESPAC) in the Diamond category with three games remaining.
Hadi, who previously won the Princess Cup in Thailand in 2017 and the open division of the World Scrabble Championship in England in 2018, won the Diamonds category by winning 21 of 24 games.
Jeremy Khoo of Singapore finished second with 16 wins, while Stefan Kac of the United States finished third with 15 wins.
It was Hammad’s third international championship in total.
Mohammad Inayatullah of Pakistan, on the other hand, finished third in the Open category. He won 15 of the 24 games he played.
Tariq Pervez, the vice president of the Pakistan Scrabble Association (PSA), stayed in seventh place.
WESPAC is now taking place in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event will feature up to 200 participants.
Earlier, Pakistan’s Wasim Khatri won the Early Bird competition leading up to the World Scrabble Championship.
Khatri set a significant milestone by winning the Early Bird competition, which was placed immediately before the world championship. He is the only Pakistani to have won the event. Waseem finished second in the competition last year.