The powerful leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan has definitely changed the global relevance and the face of Pakistan. The successful and wise policies of PM Imran Khan has smashed the dreadful plots of India against Pakistan. India planned to isolate Pakistan diplomatically. Modi stated, “Only china stands with Pakistan whereas, the whole world stands with us [INDIA] and there comes Pakistan who stands isolated.
Saudi Crown Prince – Visit to Pakistan
Pakistan’s audacity with foreign visits was a remarkable crack for India. Abu Dhabi Prince Sheikh Muhammad bin Zayed al Nayan visited Pakistan in Jan 2019. Emir of Qatar visited Pakistan in June 2019. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani came in July 2019. Duke and Duchess came to Pakistan in October 2019. Queen Maxima of Netherlands visited Pak in November 2019.
Just consider me as an Ambassador of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Suleman

The Return of International Cricket – Pakistan
Pakistan has taken the lead in resolving the issue of Iran and KSA [ Kingdom of Saudia Arabia]. International sports have been returned. Test match cricket team came in 2019. Kabbadi world cup was held in Pakistan in 2020 and The PSL was conducted on Homeland for the first time. Pakistan has become a cynosure for tourists, Pakistan is ranked as the best place for holidays according to Conde Nast traveller a lifestyle and luxury magazine. Meanwhile, the US-based business magazine has listed Pakistan among the best under the radar places to visit in 2020. Also, British backpacker’s society has declared Pak as the world’s 3rd best and high potential adventure destination.

Imran Khan & Pivotal Role in Afghan Peace Process
USA, CHINA, RUSSIA and PAKISTAN came together to hammer out a peace deal with the Taliban whereas, India was left out of the matter completely. Which is still a discomfort for India. Pakistan’s progressive and vocal step towards this issue was appreciated. Zalmay Khalilzad said, ‘Pakistan has been helping in Inter-Afghan dialogues between Taliban and USA which is a positive act. By playing a pivotal role in Afghan peace-process Pakistan became an Anchor of Regional Stability.
POTUS Donald Trump – PM Imran Khan

We’ve never been close to Pakistan as we are now.
POTUS Donald Trump
Best Tourist Location – Pakistan
Travel advisors for Pakistan are now opened and are relaxed by USA, Portugal, UK, and Norway. Later the same year Modi said Kashmir is a bilateral matter and we would not allow any third-party to interfere. On the other hand, Trump said we will certainly help on Kashmir Issue. PM Imran Khan said that he is the ambassador of Kashmir and represented Kashmir in UN by giving a miraculous speech. Asking the UN for justice and challenged them to provide the guaranteed rights to Kashmiris. Resultantly the International media took noticed after his speech in the UN.

Kashmir Issue
Hearing on Kashmir and investigation on the issue was toll-ed by the UN after PM raised the issue in the UN. The President of Turkey Tayyab Erdogan also stood for the rights of Kashmiri’s. India wanted to Blacklist and declare Pakistan as a terror state from FAFT. The FAFT [Financial Action Task Force] decided not to blacklist Pakistan. India’s Expectations and plots were flooded brutally. Pakistan is growing with the Divine Help of Allah and the efforts of honest leadership in Pakistan shall fail every anti – Pakistan motive, agenda and action. Pakistan shall rise and shine.
Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Imran Khan – Speech at UN
Current Account of Pakistan in Surplus
The distinction between the Foreign Income and Expenditure of the Government is observed. The current account is in surplus of $13 Million. The Government is working pretty well in order to increase the exports of Pakistan. The surplus is highly likely to be maintained under the leadership of PM Imran Khan.