Pakistan has secured ITFC Murabaha Financing worth $761.5 million by the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) for the import of petroleum products on deferred payment.
The ITFC, an autonomous entity within the Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDB), agreed to provide Murabaha Financing worth $761.5 million to Pakistan for the import of petroleum products on deferred payment.
Pakistan secured the ITFC financing after successful discussions between the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Omar Ayub Khan and ITFC CEO Hani Salem Sonbol.
According to the Economic Affairs Division, the ITFC Murahaba Financing Facility (US$ 761.5 mil) has been made effective and ready for utilisation by Pakistan State Oil (PSO), Pak-Arab Refinery Company Limited (PARCO) and Pakistan LNG for the import of oil and gas.
It added that the financing is enhanced from $600 million to $761.5 million due to higher demand amid strong economic recovery.