President Vladimir Putin of Russia officially announced that Russia has become the first country to approve a COVID-19 vaccine after carrying out the trials for less than two months. The Vaccine has cleared all the required checks successfully. The Vaccine was hailed by the Moscow Gamaleya Institute. The Russian Scientist said that the early-stage trials of the Vaccine have been completed resulting in victory. The Vaccine is named in the memory of the first orbital satellite which was launched by Russia in 1957, Sputnik V.
The aggressive strategy Russia laid hold on to roll out the vaccine has put the world to concerns. The vaccine adapts shears of the adenovirus, that origin the common cold to trigger a strong immune response. At a government meeting on television, Putin stated that the vaccine has been given to one of his daughters.

Despite this, the Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said, “The vaccine has proven to be highly effective and safe hailing it as a big step towards “humankind’s victory” over the Covid-19 crisis.” Officials have pledged to vaccinate millions of people through this successful vaccine and would soon start its mass production. Dmitriev said Russia will go with the 3rd Phase of trials; a larger trial test will be offered to the Russian medical officers on a voluntary basis. The world is persisted that the rush to develop the COVID-19 vaccines will not endure the safety and effectiveness.
Moreover, 100’s of possible COVID-19 vaccines are undergoing the developmental stage throughout the world to stop this Pandemic crisis according to WHO. However, most of the people are determined about the news that Russian Officials shared regarding the successful trials of the vaccine. Russia makes sure the vaccine undergoes the 4th stage of trials to ensure caliber of recovering the people. It is to be said that the mass production of the vaccine will available by the end of September.