Sabahat Zaman is a very popular chef from Pakistan with a fan following of over 65k on Instagram itself. Sabahat has been cooking for over 25 years, impressive right? She has been experimenting with hundreds of spices and techniques in the kitchen. Being a chef is not only about stepping into the kitchen with your apron and knives but its about calculation of spices, improvisation and many other aspects of cooking.
8 Secrets of Sabahat Zaman in the Kitchen
Today Sabahat shares some of these tips, that chances are… You had no idea! Sabahat Zaman being a chef for more than 25 years has spent so much time in the kitchen that she has emerged as one of the most loved and popular chefs from Pakistan. Let’s begin with the unveiling of her top 8 secrets in the kitchen to be a better chef.
Ensuring the quality of the cooked food and garnish it before sending it out on the table for dinner, lunch or brunch, is done all by chefs. Managing the timing of each dish to ensure they are cooked to perfection and served with the rest of the garnished dishes is what Sabahat – The Top Chef does best.

1- Always use fresh vegetables.
Zaman says that this could either make or break a perfectly normal meal. Please put in that tiny little extra effort and this will take you a long way!
2- Use freshly ground (dry) coriander.
Now, this might come off as a cliche but this could really add-in that extra pizzazz and take your dish to the next level, quite literally. It’s especially very helpful when added into a curry of some kind, this would bulk out your gravy, as well as it would give your dish that perfect aroma.
3- Use appropriate cuts of meat for specific dishes.
Again, this might sound like something that just makes sense, right? Yes. It is also important to know and understand wherein the animal is a certain piece of meat comes from. I would highly recommend learning about different kinds of meat. Now that you’ve learned where the different kinds of pieces come from it’s also very important to know when to and how to use them in your dish.
4- It’s forbidden to leave the kitchen as you’re cooking.
As a chef it is my biggest nightmare to see my dishes getting burned or overcooked, believe it or not cooking takes a lot of energy, mental and physical. To prevent this from happening it’s best to stay in the kitchen until you’re done. Better safe than sorry.
5- Sharp knives are lifesavers ( with the right safety measures )
But with this tip it is also important to understand the severity of how dangerous this can be in the wrong hands, especially children. As a mom myself I like to be extra careful. But this could also come in pretty handy, especially if you know you’re gonna be cooking very often, i urge you to invest into a better quality knife. This would save your time and energy, both.
6- Keep your workspace clean.
Something that we might not realise is the importance of our work space, our kitchen. A clean and well rounded and loaded workspace leads to a better experience in general, not only that but it also prevents lack of interest.
7- Make sure you have all the ingredients available before you start
This will make your cooking experience better by 10x. Comfort matters, especially in the kitchen. To have all the ingredients within your reach before you start is a blessing.
8- Your kitchen matters.
Doesn’t matter how big or small it is. A kitchen speaks volumes, you can really tell a lot about a person just by looking at where they cook, especially if they’re really passionate about it, every person has different taste, not just in food but in their workspaces as well, how they’ve organised and decorated it really matters.
Bottom line
Feeling inspired to cook? Sabahat may not be able to turn you into a MasterChef, but her tips and tricks just might help you hack your way into the kitchen confidence. Check her out on Instagram or YouTube.
Being one of the most respected and loved chef Sabahat Zaman has shared countless recipes with her fans. These recipes have always turned out to be the most loved recipes by the fans. To cook, you need inspiration and Sabahat is an inspiration for all the men and women who love to cook.