Pakistan government has been working hard to make the world focus on climate change issues and the affect of climate change on developing countries, which are the Top Polluted Cities in the World By Air Quality Index.
Prime Minister Imran Khan also spoke at his UNGA Address about the climate change issue. When he said that, Pollution caused inside rich countries does not affect them as much as developing nations, because developing nations do not have enough resources to fight these changes.
Prime Minister Imran Khan has also started a prject, One Billion Trees Tsunami. But still some cities of greater population are being affected. You can see the affect of climate change by the following Air Quality Index of cities in the world from most pollutes to least polluted.
Top 10 Polluted Cities in the World:
Name of Cities
1. Dhaka, Bangladesh
2. Dubai, UAE
3. Kolkata, India
4. Lahore, Pakistan
5. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
6. Beijing, China
7. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
8. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
9. Kathmandu, Nepal
10. Amsterdam, Netherlands
Air Quality Index
Caution: We need to take action on affect of climate change on our environment. Otherwise, soon mask and oxygen tanks may be a must-have in every home.