The steel-cutting ceremony was held in Karachi to announce the construction of MILGEM Ada-Class corvette by Turkey. The Pakistan Navy specialized shipbuilding division hosted the ceremony in Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works. Pakistan Navy officials and representatives of Turkish state-run ASFAT attended the ceremony. The Managing Director of KSEW was also a part of the ceremony – Rear Admiral Ather Saleem.
Initially, the contract was signed in July 2018 by Pakistan Navy for 4 MILGEM-Class ships with AFSAT. As stated in the contract, two corvettes will be built in Turkey. While the remaining two will be built in Pakistan – hinting the transfer of Technology. A construction ceremony was organized and carried out in Istanbul, Turkey; The past week. The ceremony was organized to formally recognize the commencement of construction of the first MILGEM Ada-class Corvette.
MILGEM Ada-Class Corvette
MILGEM vessels are sized with a 99meters longevity and a displacement capacity of 24,000 tonnes. The vessel can advance with a speed of 29 nautical miles. Moreover, the MILGEM anti-submarine combat frigates constructed to have a stealth capability (can be hidden from the radars). These will heighten the defence capabilities of the Pakistan Navy immensely.
“The MILGEM Class Corvettes will be state-of-the-art surface platform equipped with the modern surface, subsurface and anti-air weapons, sensors, and combat management system,”
Steel Cutting Ceremony of MILGEM Class Corvettes constructed for #PakNavy held at KS&EW. MD KS&EW R/ Adm Ather Saleem was Chief Guest. The contract for 04 corvettes with ToT was signed with #ASFAT which entails construction of 02 corvettes at Turkey & 02 at Pakistan (KS&EW).(1/2)
— Rear Admiral M Arshid Javed DGPR Navy (@dgprPaknavy) June 9, 2020
Recep Tayyip Erdogan the respected President of Turkey cut the first metal plate of the MILGEM Ada-class corvette. Along with Pakistan Navy Chief – Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi, during a ceremony in Istanbul, Turkey – dated October 2019.
This steel cutting ceremony is of the 1st MILGEM class corvette being indigenously constructed at Karachi Shipyard in collab with Turkey. These ships will be technologically most advanced platforms of #PakNavy & will contribute in maintaining peace & balance of power in IOR.(2/2)
— Rear Admiral M Arshid Javed DGPR Navy (@dgprPaknavy) June 9, 2020

The highly advanced technology-based manifests of these ships will harvest an important role in maintaining peace. The peace of the Indian Ocean and balance of power and stability in the region. The general manager of shipbuilding – Commodore Muhammad Jahanzeb Ahsan highlighted the fundamental bond of both countries. The collaboration in various other sectors along with the construction of the warship.