Twitter – A Massive Global Crypto Currency Scam not only just affected Bill Gates but Elon Musk as well. Both of the CEO’s tweeted about a link to send Bitcoin, and it was a Scam, but both the CEO’s were unaware of the fact and the tweet. It seems that apparently, more confidently perhaps, that their accounts were hacked.

The Scam encourages the users to send Bitcoin to a certain account, and none of these accounted intended to return invested bitcoin. The Tweets made were nothing but a SCAM! Several Crypto companies were also hacked and were exploited during the COVID-19 crisis. Tracking of the Blockchain showcased the fact that thousands of dollars bitcoin were sent to the account.
Since the twitter went vulnerable several major prominent figures of the Tech world were hacked. For instance, Bill Gates Yeah, Bill Gates from Microsoft and Elon Musk from Tesla. Several Tweets were posted about the scam through the hacker on twitter exploiting Musk’s Account. Not only just Musk was affected by the hack but other major CEO’s were exploited. The hack was meant to create an enhanced reach rather than just Musk and Tesla.